FAQs & General Inquiries

Ask us!

This area of the web site is for all of your questions!!  We try to answer as many of your questions and inquiries as we can and in a timely fashion. We want you to be informed! We welcome all questions whether general or specific about your child who is presently attending FRH or one that may attend in the future! Your question may help others but mostly we'd like to help you! So ask away!

Send all inquiries by selecting "General School Contact" from the menu on our contact form.

National Volunteer Week

A big THANK YOU to all EIPS families

National Volunteer Week takes place April 19-25. Most years, we celebrate the week in schools by thanking the hundreds of volunteers across EIPS who offer their knowledge and time to help enhance learning within the Division. This year is different. We’re facing a global pandemic, and all in-school classes are cancelled until further notice. It’s a challenging time for all of us. We’re learning new routines and facing obstacles we couldn’t even have imagined just a few weeks ago. The coming weeks and months will bring a collective effort—from teachers, students, families, staff and trustees—to ensure the success of all students.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees at Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS), I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to every one of our EIPS school families who are supporting their child as we transition to alternative instruction. Whether it’s providing positive learning environments, establishing new routines at home or navigating Google Classrooms with your child, the impact each of you is making is profound. Now more than ever, it’s critical we continue to work together to support student learning and inspire learners to gain the skills they need to transition to the next grade or the world of work.

So, again, thank-you for your time, for your patience, for your kindness and for your understanding as we work together to ensure all students succeed.

Trina Boymook
Chair, Board of Trustees

Thin Ice

Watch for Thin Ice

Remember, be aware of thin ice this time of year. Depending on changing temperatures, ice can form and melt to varying degrees on outdoor bodies of water. Please remind your child about the dangers of thin ice, obey all posted signs, take the proper care and remain a safe distance from the ice.

For more information about ice safety, visit the Canadian Red Cross.

Did you know?
The colour of ice may be an indication of its strength. Clear blue ice is the strongest. White opaque is half as strong as blue ice. And, grey ice is unsafe—the greyness indicates the presence of water.

Inclement Weather

With the winter season already here, we want to remind parents to dress children appropriately for the weather when getting ready for school or the bus. The weather often changes unexpectedly throughout the day, so please select suitable outerwear and ensure your child is prepared for changing conditions.

If inclement weather conditions occur, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) advises parents of any bus cancellations using various communications tools—automated-telephone messages, alerts posted on www.eips.ca and school websites, Twitter, Facebook, local radio stations and on Versatrans My Stop. Any morning bus cancellations are posted on www.eips.ca by 6:30 a.m.

Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by EIPS administrative procedures that states, “school bus service may be suspended…when Environment Canada reports a temperature of -40 C.” Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road condition.

When school bus services are suspended, schools remain open to students. EIPS believes parents have the right and responsibility to make choices for their children based on their beliefs and perceptions of safety during times of inclement weather.

For more information, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.

I am moving into the school's boundary area, how do I register?

Find all of the information and forms you need to register on our registration page. 


What is the cell phone policy?

Students are not allowed to carry cell phones throughout the day. All cell phones must be kept in lockers. Students are allowed to use them during break and lunch only. Digital courtesy is expected at all times.  If this privilege is abused, parents will be required to pick up the phone from an Administrator.  Used in accordance with the EIPS Student Responsible Technology User Agreement.  Students are solely responsible for the electronic devices.


How to Stay Connected

Weekly Hawk's View - emailed to our families and posted on Home page of website.

Teacher sites on our website

Twitter: FRHaythorne

Instagram: F.R.Haythorne

What are the start and end times for the school day?

What time is lunch? What is the schedule for staff meeting days? 

Click here to access the bell schedule.

Hope that is helpful!

What happens during lunch? Is there a cafeteria?

All students will be paying a lunch fee this year.  Students will start the school year with the privilege of eating with their friends in various locations around the school.  They will not have an assigned room.  Once they have finished eating they can continue to socialize with their friends, meet with their club, play with their peers on an intramural team or go outside.


What do I need to do when picking up my child during the school day?

Students are not permitted to leave the school building or grounds during the instructional day.  This includes the morning break and lunch. Nevertheless, from time to time a student may be required to leave school early for an appointment, emergency, or due to illness.  All students must checkout at the office prior to leaving the building.  A parent note, phone call, or contact is required if the student is leaving.

What kinds of equipment and facilities will be part of my child's education?

F.R. Haythorne provides all elements for students to have an engaging and positive educational experience. F.R. Haythorne is  a modern and attractive facility that includes LCD projector equipped classrooms, four computer labs, SMART Boards, fully outfitted band and drama rooms, applied technology and foods/fashion labs, two gymnasiums, and extensive library.