School Council

F.R. Haythorne School Council

Staying connected to the school is important in supporting your child through the Junior High years and School Council is just one way for parents to do so. 

School Council is made up of parents, staff and community representatives who work together for the best interest of students.  School council provides parents with an opportunity to support student learning by gaining an understanding of what is going on within the school. Parents also share a perspective with the school principal so decisions are made that reflect the beliefs and values of students, staff and parents. 

Your involvement in School Council can be as simple as attending one or more meetings scheduled throughout the year; reading updates in the monthly school newsletter; responding to invitations to share your views; taking a position on the executive and/or reading our Principal Reports and School Council minutes.  The minutes will be distributed via "The Hawk's View", a weekly emailed school bulletin, and will be posted below.  Other information which may be shared via email will be:

  • agendas in advance of the upcoming meeting,
  • invitations to special evenings for parents,
  • other information that would be of interest to parents of FRH and
  • opportunities to provide input at any time on school events, issues or any matters of importance to parents, students and staff.

Schedule & Meetings

Meetings are held in the F.R. Haythorne School Library starting at 6:00 p.m.  Regular attendance is not required.  Please check out our school calendar and weekly Hawk's View for scheduled School Council Meetings.  

NOTE: Dates and start times are tentative and can change if the Chairperson and the Principal determine that it is necessary for the meeting to be changed.

Scheduled Meeting dates (2023-2024):

September 13

October 18

November 15

January 17

March 20

April 17

May 8

School Council Meeting Minutes/Agendas


School Council Meeting Minutes - 8 May 2024 - Unapproved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 17 April 2024 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 19 March 2024 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 17 January 2024 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 18 October 2023 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 13 September 2023 - Approved



School Council Meeting Minutes - 24 May 2023 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 18 January 2023 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 16 November 2022 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 14 September 2022 - Approved



School Council Meeting Minutes - 18 May 2022

April Meeting - Canceled

School Council Meeting Minutes - 16 March 2022

School Council Meeting Minutes - 19 January 2022 - Approved

School Council Meeting Minutes - 17 November 2021

School Council Meeting Minutes - 20 October 2021

School Council Meeting Minutes - 15 September 2021



F.R Haythorne Parent Council Meeting Meeting Minutes- May 19, 2021

School Council Agenda - May 19, 2021

School Council Agenda March 17, 2021

FRH Virtual School Council Mtg Minutes Jan 27, 2021

School Council Meeting Minutes Nov 25, 2020

School Council Agenda- November 2020

Link to the EIPS community of School Councils (COSC) 

Council Meeting Minutes - October 2020

Council Meeting Minutes - May 20, 2020

April 15, 2020 Minutes

April Online School Council Agenda

January 2020 Minutes

November 2019 Minutes

October 23, 2019 Minutes

September 18, 2019 Minutes


School Council Resource Guide

Click here for the School Council Resource Guide (ASCA) which includes:

Information on the operation of school councils and on key topics of importance to school councils and other education stakeholders.  It is a comprehensive tool that will facilitate school council effectiveness which, in turn, will support school improvement.